Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Bien-locme a Nogales

After a long but beautiful 28 hour bus ride from Irapuato, I arrived in Nogales. It is very interesting here. There is such a blend of Mexican and American culture that there is no other name for it than border culture.

The Fence on the Sonora side.

I dont have much to report. I am all settled in with three other volunteers. Two are Jesuit Volunteers from Mexico and the other is a grad-student from Oregon. Great people and we are going to get along great. The Mexicans speak English to practice and the grad-student and I speak Spanish.

Our apartment and the three other volutneers

I have had two good days serving here. There is a meal at 9am and then at 4pm. I am asking a lot of questions and doing as much as I can to learn about the situation here which is truly interesting. The services provided by the Kino Border Initiative range from food distribution to clothing and medical aid, as well as a shelter for women and children migrants.

On a bridge in Sonora overlooking the border crossing to the US

Tomorrow I am going to spend some time with the group No More Deaths. They were the first group to begin leaving water in the desert for migrants making the trip to the states. I wont be heading out to the desert but they serve the migrant population here in Nogales as well.

Adolfo, a fellow volunteer.

Sorry I dont have much. I will put a whole lot more pictures up asap. Take care and thank you for reading. O, my spanish is getting a lot of practice, which I am pretty excited about. Ok, take care!



  1. No More Deaths were mentioned in the Death of Josefine book. Andrew, so exciting to think of the good work that you will do there. Thanks for posting pictures and making it real to us. Hey - is it nice to see the sun? And - this is your mother speaking - do you have sunscreen??!!!
    Love you!

  2. Donald Maldari, S.J.August 20, 2010 at 8:46 AM

    Estoy contento de que llegaras sano y salvo. ¡Que buen trabajo que haces! ¿Cual es el componente académico del tu proyecto? Tu mama tiene razón (como siempre): ¿tienes crema contra el sol? La luneta tiene que protegerse contra el sol.
