Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Bean Coffee

This is Yerlin and Sergio. They both arrived to Nogales about two weeks ago. They are from Honduras. Remember Sergio? Yerlin left half a week ago and Sergio left yesterday. I accompanied Sergio to immigration because he was looking to get a bus ticket back to Honduras. It is almost impossible for a Mexican citizen to get service at the immigration office. And it is impossible for a Honduran to get any sort of attention. So I went there to throw my gringo weight around and after thirty minutes of being denied service and being told to move to the next window and the next... We finally spoke with a fella who agreed to pay for the majority of Sergio's ticket home.

The Samaratins from Arizona came once again with a boatload of shirts, toothpaste, belts, hats, you name it...

Hermana Rosealbe is one of my best friends here in Nogales. She reminds me so much of my Aunt Marie... Anyway, we have been having nightly English classes and she is making incredible progress. Those two cups are our alternative to coffee in the morning. Water from the boiling beans and diced to tomatoes. I love it and I guess it is a favorite from Rosealba's home in Colima, Mexico.

8th Edition:

A couple of translations...

-The truth that I cannot be with my family is very sad...
-I left my home in Michoacan because my mother is sick and there I could not pay for her medication. -Emmanuel Jesus
-In all of my life I have never recieved help as beautiful as the help I have recieved at the Kino Border Initiative. The people are very friendly and make me smile. Thank you for the help. You are all very special and I will never forget this place. -Jessie Perez
-I left my home in Honduras to help my family because we are in need and are poor. Thank you Kino Border Initiative for opening your doors to help me when I needed it most. -Yerlin Acosta

1 comment:

  1. When we are with you - can we have real coffee??? Por favor?
